Sunday, February 7, 2016

Lee WR #1

    Creativity and skill are two separate things. Many people believe that they are not creative simply because they don't have a developed skill to express it. However, one can be skillfully good at painting, but lack creativity. How? Creativity is the ability to bring in new ideas. A talented painter could have just copied his work from another painting. The five traits of creativity vary from person to person. The first trait, associating, is something that hasn't come naturally to me. Usually I need someone else to tell me where the connection lies between two subjects because I have trouble doing it on my own. Through practice, I have improved my associating. The next trait, Questioning, is one that I believe everyone has. It is human nature to question things. Number three, observing is another everyone naturally has. If they can see, they can observe. The fourth trait, networking is just the ability to go out and not only share your ideas, but listen to others. I tend to keep my creativity to myself, but I love hearing the ideas of others. The last trait, experimenting, means to not be afraid of trying something out.

1 comment:

  1. I really like this statement..."one can be skillfully good at painting, but lack creativity." It is wise to know the difference between skill and creativity! This is a well written paragraph and I look forward to reading your thoughts in future assignments.
