Sunday, February 7, 2016

Treherne WR #1

What is creativity? Well, up until I began this class, I believed it was something I did not have. However, I have recently learned that is not true. Creativity is to bring something new that has value. Though I am not an artist by any means, I do have creativity. I believe everyone has a sense of creativity. There are five creativity traits that include associating, questioning, observing, networking, and experimenting. I believe my greatest trait is networking. I say this because networking is being able to interact with others around me and learn new ideas from them. Though I am not "artsy" I do enjoy the art in itself. I love to hear why the artist chose to do a piece, or see their technique in doing their piece. I enjoy learning new styles of art. I have been challenged to step out of my comfort zone and allow my mind to open up to new and creative ways.

1 comment:

  1. Good control of grammar and expression of thought. When writing these paragraphs, address them to a wider audience...not just me or the class. I am glad you realize your creativity!
