Sunday, February 7, 2016

Orisarayi WR#1

       Fortunately I'm bIessed enough to consider myself amongst the society of creative people. I believe that the reason I am is due to the surroundings of my early life. From as young as I can remember my house was filled with people practicing their talents as well as I, my own. My mother and father were both musically gifted and so it was almost second nature for my brothers and I to jump in and acquire the characteristic of being musically savy. My grandmother was an artist, so she felt it was necessary to teach me how to draw. My aunts were alway being industrious and creating or deigning something , and I naturally couldn't help but watch. Chaper 1 of the textbook describes the five basic creative traits to be the capabilies of associating, questioning, observing, networking, and experimenting. The few that I feel I most closely identify with are questioning, observing, and experimenting.
        I've always been considered "the rebellious kid" just because it was never possible to give me directions and expect me to follow them without explanation. The question "why" was almost an involuntary response for me. I always felt the need to understand things thoroughly. In addition to my being inquisitive, I was also quiet. Seems like an ironic pairing but I realized early on that it  was easier to realize how things worked of you just watched. Therefore, a lot of the questions I had were answered through observation. My experimenting side is one that is demonstrated through an embarrassing habit that I have. After eating with friends or family I always end up mixing the remnants of our meals together to create what I consider to be a masterpiece. I often go for the most contrasting elements and then add what I think would be complimentary to the taste. My brother has grown accustomed to being my guinea pig and almost always tastes my concoctions, and sometimes he actually likes them!

1 comment:

  1. Great paragraph! Experimentation is a wonderful quality! As far as your writing goes, it is strong--but you need to watch your punctuation. You are missing commas and a bit of your phrasing is awkward. I would suggest that you run it through a grammar check before publishing...
