Sunday, March 20, 2016

Art Assignment #2

This sculpture is the inspiration for my symbol

Due: Wednesday May 23rd

Create graphic image that represents you. Draw this this symbol in your notebook. 

The image must be visually appealing and display quality and effort.
You may use multiple types of images --artistic, abstract, text, quotes, or names. Try not to make your logo too complicated.  It should be a simple brand symbol that could be drawn quickly and reproduced effectively in print. (I will show examples in class)

Ideas to (possibly) include:     Favorite team/sport
                                                Favorite artist/singer/actor
                                                Favorite TV show/Movie
                                                Favorite food/hobby/life style
                                                Life changing moments/things/places
                                                Where you come from – family/country
                                                Symbols  that mean something to you
                                                Song lyrics, poetry, catch phases

In addition: Bring your logo to class on Wednesday the 23rd so you can use it in our printmaking project.

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